Off to a new adventure

July 1, 2023...After 3 months of purging, sorting, selling, giving away, tossing, keeping and 3,12 hour days of cleaning, purging, storing, lifting, scrubbing, climbing and finally saying good-bye to my home of almost five years, I packed up my last load and locked the door. I had successfully stored anything important in a 100 s.f. storage unit. I had spent 3 months grieving, processing and anticipating this change.
July 2 started a year - ish of travel, with no home, but a bed at my daughter's house (because I have to see my kids and grandkids) My goal is to be a virtual-working free spirit, while beach blogging. After almost 30 years of momming, I untethered myself from a house payment and managing stuff to see the world because... well - a couple of reasons...
I love the beach and want to see places I have never been. Anyone who knows me knows It's my happiest place. I can't explain it but it is my battery charger and place of peace. I carry peace with me but know myself well. Being an Integrated Bioenergetic Restoration Therapy practitioner means I give away a LOT of energy on a daily basis. Dealing with trauma and darkness lends itself to very strategic and intentional self-care that involves nature, wonder, awe and beauty where the world is happy.
I love culture. Most people might not know that I was a foreign language major before I switched to Psychology after the Lord called me to be a counselor. I am fascinated by other cultures. I love to study history, sociology, migration and anything that explains why people do what they do. I am a student of nephilim, fallen angelic beings and all things spiritual and how it affects the land and people. I also love the simplicity of culture that is less complex than here.
I work virtually so I can work from anywhere in the world - so wouldn't you?
So Here I go, look for my comparison of beaches around the world (hopefully) that is my goal. Please post or me with any of your favorite places, stops, advice and warnings.
First stop - Clearwater Beach, Florida.