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80% or more of disease is caused by negative emotions and thoughts according to the AMA.

As you know, my focus in my "expertise" is releasing emotional blockages, negative emotions and reprogramming negative thinking. As much as alternative medicine is at odds with allopathic medicine, even the AMA agrees that 80% or more of the roots of disease is rooted in negative emotions and thoughts. I will add spiritual and generational energies are also a big part of these causal factors. Isn't it interesting that the medical profession however does not spend 80% of its time and energy on finding these roots but rather on treating the symptoms.

You can find many ways to detox emotionally (you don't just have to come and see me) but the main thing is that you do something to go back and deal with your generational issues, family of origin (childhood) hurts and traumas and become mindful about the way you cope with things in the present.

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